Apakah Anda merasa sudah belajar bertahun-tahun tetapi tidak PD omong inggris kepada banyak orang ?
3 Alasan utama mengapa Anda harus bisa omong Inggris adalah nilai bagus, karier meningkat dan masa depan lebih baik.

Apakah Anda mencari ....

  • Pengajar cool dan smart
  • Full daily English
  • Kelas terbatas 8 orang
  • Praktek langsung dengan Tourist
  • Dibimbing sampai lancar
Banyak GRATISANnya :

  • Gratis Pendaftaran senilai Rp. 35.000,-
  • Gratis Modul senilai Rp. 50.000,-
  • Gratis Vocal senilai Rp. 19.900,-
  • Gratis Buku + Alat Tulis
  • DISKON 50% Buku Rekor MURI "Super Miliarder"
Kelas REGULER : Senin - Kamis = Pilihan Waktu
Pagi : 08.00  -  10.00
Sore : 15.30  -  17.30
Malem : 19.15  -  21.15

Kelas KHUSUS : Jum'at - Sabtu = Pilihan Waktu
Pagi : 09.00  -  11.00
Sore : 15.30  -  17.00

Kelas REGULER =Rp. 300rb  Rp. 150.000,-
Kelas KHUSUS = Rp. 450rb  Rp. 200.000,-

Pendaftaran On-Line
Belajar Bikin Blog di Internet secara Online Gratis..Tis...!!!

Mediator & Konsultan Hukum
Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jawa Tengah
Didirikan pada tanggal 01 Desember 1991 ; Akta Notaris No 6 tanggal 19 Feb 1999
Register Pengadilan Tinggi Jawa Tengah : No 40 / LBH / 1999 Tanggal 29 Mei 1999
Badan Hukum : SK Menkum & HAM RI No C - HT 01.09.120 Tanggal 11 Nov 2004

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Phone : (024) - 7091.2044
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Pendaftaran langsung ke :
Jl. Perumda Tembalang Baru V No. 83 Semarang
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Mr. Kun, seorang Peak Performance Booster. CEO United Kayamuda Corporation Dan Pro English Indonesia. Seorang anak muda berusia 24 tahun, tampil begitu powerful, menggugah dan mengubah menjadi tindakan praktis memberikan pelatihan di berbagai kota di Indonesia.

He has extensive experience in building, leading and executing successful plan in marketing, sales, business development and many organization. At the end all determinative traits are believed potential to promote active class participation and learning process.

Ia memberikan pelatihan dari berbagai sekolah, perguruan tinggi dan perusahaan. Lebih dari 98.7400 orang hadir dalam seminarnya dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Lebih dari sekedar teori tetapi berdasarkan pengalaman nyata, tidak juga memompa semangat tetapi juga menuntun menjadi langkah praktis untuk mengantarkan sampai sukses.

Kariernya beliau sekarang, menempati posisi sebagai berikut :

· CEO United Kayamuda Corporation

· Direktur GoldenCoach International

· Director of ProEnglish “English Course”

· Member of Property plus Indonesia

· Host di RRI Semarang

· Penerima penghargaan 2 Rekor MURI sebagai penulis buku SUPER MILIARDER

· Dosen Luar biasa dan Tamu di berbagai perguruan tinggi.

· Coach KUD Mintorogo Karanganyar Demak, 11 Cabang

· Konsultan Anggota DPRD Kab. Grobogan

· Business Coach di beberapa perusahaan nasional maupun International

· Mendapatkan lebih dari 12 penghargaan dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.


* GoldenCOACH International
* PRO- English
* Kayamuda Pustaka
* Business Corporation

Beberapa perusahaan yang telah bekerjasama dengan United Kayamuda Corporation diantaranya :
- Matahari Group Java mall Semarang
- Dealer Astra Honda Majapahit
- PT. Telkom Indonesia
- PLN Tegal
- Starone - Semarang
- PT.Wings Surabaya
- PT.Nutrend International
- Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jawa Tengah

Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi yang telah bekerjasama dengan United Kayamuda Corporation diantaranya :
- Universitas Diponegoro
- Universitas Muria Kudus
- Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang
- Universitas Sains Ilmu Alqur’an Demak
- Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
- IKIP PGRI Semarang
- Politeknik Negeri Semarang
- Politeknik kesehatan Semarang
- Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta

DIVISION 2: PRO- English
Berdiri tahun 2006, tanggal 15 Januari dengan nama English University dengan 125 siswa dan 5 karyawan, pada bulan februari 2008 berubah nama menjadi Magic English Indonesia dan pada bulan Oktober 2009 berganti nama yang lebih populer dengan sebutan Pro-English. Pro-English yang sementara membuka program khusus mahasiswa ini dengan basic skill : English For Communication dan kami memberikan garansi dan ujian langsung dengan Tourist di Candi Borobudur.

DIVISION 3 : Kayamuda Pustaka
Sebuah prestasi yang spektakuler berhasil kami hadirkan yaitu sebuah buku yang menjadi referensi para pengusaha kelas dunia dan pegangan yang ingin meraih sukses. Bahkan karya kami tercatat dalam Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI) sebagai penulis dan pemrakarsa pertama di Indonesia “Peluncuran buku Super Miliarder diatas dokar”

DIVISION 4 : Business Corporation
- PT. SITEKNO produknya : Kartu Perdana Website
- PT. Lia’s Gallery produknya : Kaligrafi
- PT. Property Plus produknya : Property
- Katulistiwa Tour & Travel produknya : biro Tour
- PT.Sidomuncul,Nutrend produknya : Herba farm
- Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jawa Tengah : Mediator & Konsultan Hukum
- Internet Marketing Business Online :



I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. I am committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of United Kayamuda, its current and future team, and its clients at all times. I always recommend products and services of United Kayamuda prior to going outside the company.


I am truly responsible for my actions and outcomes and own everything that takes place in my work and my life. I am accountable for my results and I know that for things to change, first I must change.


I always speak the truth. What I promise is what I deliver. I only ever make agreements with myself and others that I am willing and intend to keep. I communicate potential broken agreements at the first opportunity and I clear up all broken agreements immediately.


Good enough isn't. I always deliver products and services of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. I look for ways to do more with less and stay on a path of constant and never ending improvement and innovation


I speak positively of my fellow team members, my clients and ActionCOACH in both public and private. I speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I never use or listen to sarcasm or gossip. I acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I take responsibility for responses to my communication. I greet and farewell people using their name. I always apologize for any upsets first and then look for a solution. I only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.


I totally focus my thoughts, energy and attention on the successful outcome of whatever I am doing. I am willing to win and allow others to win: Win/Win. At all times, I display my inner pride, prosperity, competence and personal confidence. I am a successful person.


I learn from my mistakes. I consistently learn, grow and master so that I can help my fellow team members and clients learn, grow and master too. I am an educator and allow my clients to make their own intelligent decisions about their future remembering that it is their future. I impart practical and useable knowledge rather than just theory.

Team Work

I am a team player and team leader. I do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve team goals. I focus on co-operation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. I am flexible in my work and able to change if what I'm doing is not working. I ask for help when I need it and I am compassionate to others who ask me.


I have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are just as important as my financial and intellectual. I complete my work and my most important tasks first, so I can have quality time to myself, with my family and also to renew.


I view my life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and I create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around me enjoy it as well.


I always look to the system for a solution. If a challenge arises I use a system correction before I look for a people correction. I use a system solution in my innovation rather than a people solution. I follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. I suggest system improvements at my first opportunity.


I am consistent in my actions so my clients and team mates can feel comfortable in dealing with me at all times. I am disciplined in my work so my results, growth and success are consistent.


I am a truly grateful person. I say thank you and show appreciation often and in many ways, so that all around me know how much I appreciate everything and everyone I have in my life. I celebrate my wins and the wins of my clients, and team. I consistently catch myself and other people doing things right...


I am an abundant person, I deserve my abundance and I am easily able to both give and receive it. I allow abundance in all areas of my life by respecting my own self worth and that of all others. I am rewarded to the level that I create abundance for others and I accept that abundance only shows up in my life to the level at which I show up.